Eugene Gershman


My name is Eugene Gershman. I have been a real estate developer and builder at GIS Companies since 2004. Aside from a few newspaper articles (okay, maybe more than a few) or short LinkedIn posts, this is my first time publicly embarrassing myself. I describe myself as a real estate developer, builder, and entrepreneur, but I recently realized that I spend the bulk of my time fundraising. I decided to dedicate this site to information related to real estate investing, specifically new construction multifamily. 

As I started writing (by the way, I always hated writing, but this turned out to be pretty fun), so as I started putting my thoughts on this figurative paper, I realized that over the last several years, we at GIS Companies have been working with many first-time developers. I will talk about that in more detail later but this will be the more specific focus of this site.

This website (or blog), or whatever the current buzzword is, is my attempt to put various thoughts, ideas, and projects we are currently working on on the internet. I’ll publish my thoughts on recent market trends, investment criteria, ratios, and other things that I find interesting. 

I don’t know if anyone is interested in reading, listening, or watching what I have to say, but I may as well try and see where it goes. I can guarantee no one is going to come back here due to my sense of humor.

And finally, since the goal of this site is to talk about private equity, if anyone is interested in investing into our future projects, sign up below and we will notify you. Since we live in a tech heavy area, we thought that these opportunities would be especially attractive to tech professionals. They will offer a great diversification option for your investment portfolio.